Produtos   >   POSTAIS de COLECÇÃO   >   POSTAIS POR TEMAS   >  


Postal - Portugal - Braga - Colecção de 9 Postais da Sé de Braga
8.00 €
#ref: 4556

(4556) - Edição do Cabido Metropolitano e Primacial de Braga - Desenhos do Padre Luís Gavina - Notas do Cónego Dr. Eduardo Peixoto - «Carteira c/ 9 Postais N/C, ed. 1995»

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Postal - Portugal - Vila do Conde
1.00 €
#ref: 4569

(4569) - Orgão da Igreja da Misericórdia - «N/C»

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Postal - Roménia - Constanta - The Museum of National History and Archaeology
1.00 €
#ref: 4566

(4566) - Fortuna and Pontos (Tomi. 2nd century A.D.) - «N/C»

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Postal - Sérvia - Monastery Church at Decani
1.00 €
#ref: 4562

(4562) - Serbian Frescoes - St Philip with the Ethiopian (1348-1350) - «N/C»

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Postal - Sérvia - The Patriarchate of Pec, Monastery Church of St Demetrius
1.00 €
#ref: 4563

(4563) - Serbian Frescoes - Master Yovan: The Birth of the Virgin (first half of 14th. Century) - «N/C»

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Postal - Turquia - Istanbul - Kariye Museum
0.75 €
#ref: 4553

(4553) - Byzantine mosaic - «N/C»

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Postal - Turquia - Istanbul - Khora Museum
0.75 €
#ref: 4559

(4559) - Byzantin mosaic (C-240) - «N/C»

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Postal - Turquia - Istanbul - Khora Museum
0.75 €
#ref: 4560

(4560) - Byzantin mosaic (C-242) - «N/C»

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Postal - Turquia - Istanbul - Khora Museum
0.75 €
#ref: 4552

(4552) - The Resurrection . Byzantin frescoes - «N/C»

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